The devastating fires in Los Angeles have numerous secondary effects as scientists are finding out now off the coast of ...
This video summarizes the impact evaluation findings of a student mentoring initiative aimed at promoting science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and technical and vocational education and ...
The process starts with faculty submitting course proposals through a University-wide application called Curriculum Manager which is run by the Office of the University Registrar.
A typical woman-owned informal manufacturing unit is about half the size of one owned by a man. The GVA or gross value added ...
With the number of specialist GPs training in Melbourne surging by 42% and the greatest number of rural GPs in training of any state due to successful ...
the survey finds, suggested that as long as a course is grounded in a face-to-face session, faculty are interested in using online content to support their lectures. In a hybrid biology course, for ...
For the past 14 years, various Walla Walla fine dining restaurants have invited locals and anyone else to enjoy a discounted ...
Socceroos coach Tony Popovic says former boy wonder Daniel Arzani hasn't been good enough to earn a national spot, challenging the attacker to lift his standards.
The 80 percent of developers working on PC projects in this year's survey is by far the highest mark for any platform dating ...
Almost half of people using food delivery apps think companies could do more to protect their motorcycle riders, while 80 per ...
The world's largest iceberg looks set to collide with a group of remote islands in the southern Atlantic, risking the safety of wildlife in a region renowned for rich biodiversity that surpasses even ...
Now, a new survey reveals that even Gen Z hiring managers find their own generation the most challenging to manage.