The Maha Kumbh Mela has commenced in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj on. The 45-day religious gathering is significant for Hindu ...
Touted as an event for spiritual purificationin Hinduism, Kumbh Mela takes place approximately every 12 years at four ...
Hindu mythology is teeming with fascinating ... is depicted as the divine couch for Lord Vishnu, floating on the cosmic ocean of milk. Shesha’s significance extends beyond his physical depiction ...
multi-headed serpent in Hindu mythology. With thousands of hoods, he serves as the divine bed for Lord Vishnu, supporting him as he reclines on the cosmic ocean. Vasuki, the divine serpent ...
The Rigveda, one of the oldest sacred texts in Hinduism, refers to a divine event known as the Sagar Manthan or churning of the cosmic ocean in search of the nectar of immortality. This event is ...