Imperial Japan is known to have committed several war crimes in China and South Korea during the Second World War. The films shed light on this wartime brutality, including live human testing ...
Two films, 731 and Harbin, have drawn criticism from a politician for fuelling anti-Japan sentiment before WWII’s 80th ...
Upcoming events at the Glen Cove Library include the following. Registration can be completed online at
A long time ago, in a California desert far, far away, a group of filmmakers, artists, and special effects pioneers made one ...
Having just returned from a trip to China, I can tell you that if I were ... were largely set by the United States after World War II for the benefit and stability of all. The idea that China ...
The historic Rosedale neighborhood, now part of Kansas City, Kansas, is not just home to the University of Kansas Medical ...
CONPLAN 8888-11, the US military's response plan for a zombie apocalypse, began as training to teach junior officers how to ...
Pious Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek ... See a brief history of World War II movies. Read “The Curious Case of the Nazi Gnome.” His political career began in 1919 when he became Member ...