The trailer of Himesh Reshammiya’s upcoming film, Badass Ravi Kumar, was unveiled by the makers on Sunday (January 4). Billed as a larger-than-life retro action musical, the film is set to release in ...
Here are 32 of the greatest family animation movies that aren't from Disney.
Casey Chong presents a selection of underrated erotic thrillers that are worth a watch… Erotic thrillers may have ...
If there's one identifying theme that all of Quentin Tarantino's films possess it would violence, we're looking at his 10 most violent characters of all time ...
Eternals suffers from all the problems everyone thought The Avengers would have when Marvel first announced it was going to make a superhero team-up movie. Too many characters, too many plotlines ...
Yellowstone creator Taylor Sheridan seems to focus primarily on TV these days, but let's take a look back at his various ...
My only caveat with using this as someone's introduction ... of the manga's main character, Sakuragi, which is impressive, considering he's not actually the lead in this movie!
She might be most recognisable now to the masses as Elphaba in the movie adaptation ... of Michelle’s character’s children, who ends up being swept up into a mysterious heist.
“The world is full of details and interesting characters and factions that we typically only see in passing in the movies and TV shows,” said ... old game as my favorite new game of 2024, but the ...