The show, created by Grammy-nominated songwriter and producer Freddy Wexler, follows a young cowboy dedicated to fighting for ...
Larry Wood, a Hot Wheels toy designer for 50 years, is being inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in Detroit on July 20.
The '90s were a golden era for some of the best ... here’s a list of 32 over-the-top things that nineties kids handled on the big screen. Game night took a terrifying turn in Jumanji, where ...
Jullian Hall didn't expect to celebrate his 21st birthday putting an orange golf ball inside a giant pizza box, much less sharing a pickle shot with his mom. Yet there he was at Holey Moley, the new ...
A Wheel of Fortune contestant walked away a massive ... “S O / _ _ C H / _ N / C O _ _ O N.” Miner had a big smile on his face before the ten-second timer even began. As soon as Seacrest ...
Head to One Longfellow Square for the annual showing of the 1998 cult classic film “The Big Lebowski,” starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore and John Turturro.
A Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Washington Post has resigned after its editorial page editor rejected a cartoon she created to mock media and tech titans abasing themselves before ...
Picture: Liam Beatty They put out the call for all members in the area to be on the lookout for Sherlock’s wheels. He then returned ... they also opened a dirty big can of underworld worms.
Big Ed did not give any further clues in his latest interview on whether or not he'd return to the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. However, he is working on other things. He has a new wine on the way ...
Twelve-year-old Connor Dailey of Decatur has created a series of video cartoons about a popular salamander that already has 331,000 online followers.