Cuba said Tuesday it would release 553 prisoners in response to Washington removing the communist country from its list of terror sponsors in a deal hailed by ...
Cuba said it would release 553 prisoners in response to Washington removing the communist country from its list of terror sponsors in a deal hailed by relatives of ...
Biden's eleventh-hour outreach to Cuba is part of a series of actions designed to cement his legacy before handing power next Monday to Donald Trump. The agreement brought joy to the families of ...
The Biden administration lifted Cuba's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism on Tuesday, reversing a move made by the Trump administration in 2021. The decision, which is reportedly part of ...
Cuban officials on Thursday freed a prominent opposition activist, a last-minute diplomatic change in fortunes for the Biden administration which had sought his release but long seemed unable to ...
La décision surprise du président sortant Joe Biden de retirer Cuba de la liste noire américaine, rendue officielle dans un mémorandum publié mardi par la Maison Blanche, doit encourager la ...
Des ONG et l'ambassade des États-Unis à Cuba comptabilisent au total un millier de "prisonniers politiques" sur l'île. La Havane nie pour sa part l'existence de prisonniers politiques et accuse ...
A few days before concluding his term and leaving the White House, US President Joe Biden has decided to remove Cuba's designation as state sponsor of terrorism, following the Cuban authorities ...
I want Cuba to have what they have in the Dominican Republic, what they have in Panama, what they have in Colombia, and that is multiple political parties, freedom of expression, freedom of the ...
est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. En savoir plus. Le président sortant des États-Unis, Joe Biden a annoncé mardi 14 janvier 2025, retirer Cuba de la liste noire des ...
The Biden administration announced Tuesday that it will remove Cuba from the state sponsor of terrorism list – a move taken in the twilight of the administration that is likely to be reversed by ...