A North Dakota State University Extension Parent and Family webinar on parenting children who have experienced trauma will be held Wednesday, Jan. 8. Michelle Maikoetter will be presenting at the ...
Language plays an important role in understanding the concept of numbers. By Marjorie Hecht Numeracy or numerosity, the ...
ADHD medicines work in the short term but don’t improve the quality of life for adults, according to new research. It also ...
A terminally ill Arklow man whose annual Christmas display has spread joy throughout the town for over two decades has said ...
The new study, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, pooled together all studies on treating ADHD in adults. Experts from the ...
On this trip he’s hoping to catch it in action, by hooking his students—and me—to a portable EEG, a device that records brain waves ... Razani at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital ...
Kiran Karunakaran, PhD, research scientist in the Center for Mobility and Rehabilitation Engineering and director of the ...
Many parents are worried about their children's frequent errors in dictation or inability to read books for a long time. When ...
A Miami Herald investigation into the boat crash that killed a 17-year-old Lourdes student reveals a deeply flawed probe as ...
A Miami Herald investigation into the boat crash that killed a 17-year-old Lourdes student reveals a deeply flawed probe as ...
A Georgia mother underwent surgery at Texas Children's Hospital to mend her unborn baby's spine, affected by a rare birth ...
We’ve all heard of the idiom “charity begins at home.” And there are others—education, class, breeding, and a few others. Now, Tom Byer would like to ask you to open your mind and accept a new ...