"The laminated book of dreams," was how comedian Bill Bailey jokingly described the plastic-coated Argos catalogue. But 48 years on from its launch, the catalogue is finally coming to an end.
An Arlington resident is seeking to create a map of every curbside library in the county, and he's asking for the community's ...
They can now access the 1 million-plus catalog of audiobooks in the U.S. from Amazon-owned Audible. The catch? You can listen to just one book per month at a time. Starting Tuesday, Amazon Music ...
In one video, Forbes opens a sealed 1996 Sears Wish Book, which happens to be his favorite catalog he owns. Since posting, the video has garnered more than 600,000 views and 1,800 comments.
That's how millennials and boomers have been lamenting the loss of the Argos catalogue. One Twitter user even wrote that it was his entire childhood. But what is the so-called "book of dreams" and ...