Bob Dylan, with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, embarked on the True Confessions Tour. It led to Dylan co-writing a song with Petty and the Heartbreakers’ guitarist, Mike Campbell. “Jammin’ Me” may ...
Why Bruce Springsteen thought Bob Marley to be a revolutionary and how he paid homage to him in his song, "Johnny 99." ...
Draft lyrics to Bob Dylan’s song “Mr. Tambourine Man” went for over a half-million dollars as part of a weekend sale of ...
For a lucky few, writing music for a theme song can rake in millions of dollars and be, as one songwriter puts it, "the gift that keeps on giving." ...
As straightforward as the lyrics to the Gilligan's Island theme song are, there's a surprising amount of history behind them ...
With the release of the video for the title track, Bob Mould, founding member of Hüsker Dü and Sugar, has announced his 15 th ...
Marking the release of this long-awaited biopic, British music and audio pioneer Cambridge Audio has polled over 5000 fans worldwide to determine the Top 10 Bob Dylan songs of all time.
In 1975, Joan Baez reflected on her romantic relationship with Bob Dylan in the song “Diamonds and Rust.” She said that she held onto anger towards Dylan for years, but she has come to let go ...
As BBC Radio 2 put it in 2011: Wichita Lineman is “one of those rare songs that seems somehow to exist in a world of its own – not just timeless but ultimately outside of modern music”. Bob ...
You know what’s really blowin’ in the wind? Favorite Bob Dylan songs. It changes daily. Sometimes I’m in the mood for the post-“thin, wild, mercury sound” era (“The Ballad Of Frankie L ...