The South Bengal Frontier of the Border Security Force (BSF) rescued an African wild cat (Leptailurus serval) from an alleged wildlife smuggling attempt along the India-Bangladesh border of Nadia ...
A few cattle went missing from the villages, but the Forest department has not been able to capture the tigress that strayed into West Bengal from ... to capture the big cat and release it in ...
Four bobcats were among the many big cats who died from bird flu at the sanctuary Twenty big cats - including a Bengal tiger and four cougars - have died of bird flu over the past several weeks at ...
East Bengal FC are placed at the bottom of the Indian Super League 2024-25 table with just four points from eight games but recently ended a seven-game winless streak with a 1-0 victory over ...
Feline eyes also contain the same color-sensing cones as humans, but this doesn't mean our visions are the same, VCA Animal Hospitals reports. Cats are limited in their perception of color.
The West Bengal STF, in coordination with Jammu and Kashmir Police, arrested suspected TuM terrorist Javed Munshi near Canning while he attempted to cross into Bangladesh. Kolkata Police has ...