Netizens swarmed to the social media platform on Sunday to pay tributes to Gugu, a deceased giant panda in Beijing Zoo, and express their sorrow and gratitude for the star animal's long life and ...
Even with a new administration only a few days old, Washington's newest stars from China stole the spotlight on Friday when a ...
Friday's debut of new pandas at the National Zoo in D.C. is the latest chapter in a long tale of "panda diplomacy" between ...
This may sound like the start of a particularly silly joke, but it was a very real challenge faced by staff at a Japanese aquarium when they noticed their sunfish was ailing. Almost as soon as the ...
In an effort to save TikTok, President Donald Trump, who has gained 15 million followers on the app since last year, is ...
The X Games will experiment judging halfpipe runs this week in Aspen using artificial intelligence, the cutting-edge ...
With the approach of Spring Festival, the most important Chinese celebration, Du Honggang, a 58-year-old farmer in Tianjin, has begun to stock up on goods for the Chinese New Year and make plans ...
The figures announced by the government in Beijing follow trends worldwide, but especially in East Asia, where Japan, South Korea and other nations have seen their birth rates plummet. China three ...
Beijing appears to have put considerable thought into how receptive Trump, who is known to be an admirer of Xi's and who places great store in personal relationships, will be toward Han.