In the world of the 1978 comedy classic National Lampoon's Animal House, we know garage rock is OK, as evidenced by John Belushi, as Bluto Blutarsky, belting out "Louie Louie." Rhythm and blues/soul ...
The popularity of Animal House changed comedy, and changed film. It inspired many movies, including some outright imitators. Slobs-versus-snobs comedy, college comedies, raunchy, gross-out comedy ...
George Folsey Jr, the veteran film editor and producer who worked closely with John Landis on movies including Animal House, ...
All of this came to mind while reading Tim Matheson’s ( Animal House, Fletch, The West Wing, Virgin River, etc.) excellent ...
Furst's other film credits included comedies Midnight ... Furst's fans and co-stars paid tribute to the actor on Twitter, with Animal House star Tim Matheson writing: "We loved ya, pal.