Discovery of 'Punk' and 'Emo' Fossils Challenges Our Understanding of Ancient Molluscs Jan. 8, 2025 — Researchers have unearthed two fossils, named Punk and Emo, revealing that ancient molluscs ...
The quest will take you through the sights and sounds of Ancient Greece. Help the children by playing games, watching fun animations and learning about the lives of the Ancient Greeks. There's so ...
Every year brings new discoveries from ancient Egypt and 2024 was no exception. In this countdown, Live Science takes a look at 10 fascinating discoveries from the past year. When you purchase ...
The Greeks pretty much invented the theatre. Thousands of people packed the hillside arena of ancient Athens to watch plays by famous writers like Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus. The Greeks ...
The ancient Egyptians celebrated the new year in a variety of ways, including having feasts, giving gifts, and exposing statues of gods to sunlight so they could be "regenerated." When you ...
Artificial neural networks are being used to decipher ancient texts, from the classical stalwarts of Greek and Latin to China’s Oracle Bone Script, ancient divination texts written on cattle ...
The complex also included a large warehouse and winepress Sonja Anderson The Harlem Renaissance author spent her last years writing about the ancient king. Six decades after her death, her ...
After you’ve defeated the tower boss for the first time, you’ll receive five Ancient Technology Points. It’s important to note that you’ll only receive ancient technology points after the ...
Auch seine zahlreichen Tattoos – unter anderem ein Wotansknoten, eine White-Power-Faust, ein SS-Totenkopf, eine schwarze Sonne sowie diverse Runen – stellte der 43-Jährige öffentlich zur Schau.
Eine Raumsonde ist US-Forschern zufolge so tief wie keine zuvor in die Atmosphäre der Sonne eingedrungen: Sie kam bis auf 6,1 Millionen Kilometer an den Fixstern heran. Bis die gesammelten Daten ...
Eine Sonde der NASA wird am 24. Dezember so nah wie kein anderes menschengemachtes Objekt an die Sonne heranfliegen. Forschende sprechen von der ersten Berührung eines Sterns durch den Menschen.
Das Rendezvous von Sonde und Sonne am 24. Dezember gegen 13:00 Uhr MEZ könne zunächst kein Mensch bemerken, "da wir zu dieser Zeit keinen Funkkontakt zur Sonde haben", sagt Bothmer. Erst in der ...