"The Northman" tells the tale of a Viking prince (Alexander Skarsgård), dead set on avenging his father's murder. The movie is filled with stunning sets, bloody action, and impressive performances.
Two images of the Skarsgård brothers are doing the rounds online, one of Alexander Skarsgård playing Eric Northman in True ...
Alexander Skarsgård on facing the Mountain from Game of Thrones in The Northman: 'I was intimidated' Alexander Skarsgård on Tarzan, True Blood, and the roles that shaped him Alexander Skarsgård ...
Alexander Skarsgård & Millie Bobby Brown Must Survive a Battle of the Ages in 'Godzilla vs. Kong' Whoopi Goldberg and Alexander Skarsgård Star in New Trailer for The Stand TV Adaptation CBS ...
A young Viking prince sets off on a brutal journey to Iceland to avenge the murder of his father. Starring Alexander Skarsgård, Nicole Kidman, Anya Taylor-Joy and Willem Dafoe.