These are the best replicas of the world's most famous ships around the world, including museums and floating hotels.
Germany's U-505 submarine was the 1st warship captured by the US Navy in over a century and top secret during World War II.
A prominent practitioner of the historically grand productions that were once fashionable at the Met, he was especially well ...
A conversation with Peter Gordon about the enduring influence of the Frankfurt School's leader, the future of critical theory ...
Death and desire collide with seductive, shivering power in Robert Eggers ’ “ Nosferatu ,” a grandly Gothic reinterpretation ...
While the Oscar-winning documentary One Day in September and Steven Spielberg’s Munich granted audiences a wider snapshot of ...
Chemnitz? Many Germans were shaking their heads in disbelief when the eastern German city was chosen to be one of Europe's ...
Explore top silent movies, featuring timeless classics, iconic performances, and the magic of storytelling without words. A ...
A landmark retrospective of one of the most celebrated filmmakers of our time is coming to India, as Wim Wenders, the ...
EDEN Camp was billed as the world’s first ‘modern history theme museum’ when it opened to the public back in 1987.
Discover the rich history of Germany by uncovering historic landmarksranging from enchanting fairy-tale castles to ...