The Chaos faction is one of Warhammer 40,000’s mostunique mainstays, portraying a symbiotic relationship between human nature ...
Apparently, Games Workshop did NOT forget. Astartes II is coming. And it looks stunning and brutal -- everything we were ...
In the grim darkness of the 21st century, at least we have this awesome Warhammer 40,000 'Astartes II' trailer to watch ...
Warhammer has let a fan-favourite 40k animator out of the basement, and we’ve finally got an Astartes 2 trailer.
Games Workshop's new Warhammer 40,000 Aspect Warrior minis teach Space Marine fans like me a lesson: Aeldari make us look ...
We return to the Mortal Realms with Gloomspite Gitz, and meet some funky Necromunda folks, Take a look at these prices.