Applications, licences, job placement - this is where exhibitors and providers can find all the information they need about their applications. Ich möchte eingebundene YouTube Inhalte auf ...
Wer Mitglied in einer Musikkapelle oder eines Trachtenvereins ist und beim traditionellen Trachten- und Schützenzug am ersten ...
The massive wooden beams of the roof construction in the Hacker Festzelt are ingeniously clad with light blue fabric. In contrast to other tents, where the fabric panels swallow a lot of light, here ...
With a ridge height of 15 meters, the Bräurosl is the highest of all the tents at the Oktoberfest and can hold a total of 8,250 people, 560 of them in the covered outdoor loggia and 1,200 guests in ...
Since 2022, the Schützenlisl ® folk singers' tent of the Stiftl host family has been at the Oide Wiesn.
On the first Saturday of Oktoberfest 2025, the tents will open at 9 a.m., non-alcoholic drinks (except beer) will be ...
Is Germany the world champion in drinking beer? Well, almost. Are 12 to 14 euros for a beer that expensive? It depends on what you’re using as a comparison. Is beer unhealthy? That’s a myth! Find out ...
Since 2003, three Munich associations have been working on prevention, education and help for girls and women as part of the "Sichere Wiesn" campaign. At the local Safe Space (formerly known as ...
Der Einzug der Wiesnwirte ist der offizielle Auftakt zum Oktoberfest. Er findet daher immer am ersten Wiesn-Samstag noch vor dem berühmten „Ozapft is!“ statt. Am Sonntag, ab 10 Uhr folgt dann der ...
Seit 1895 ist das Paulaner Festzelt fester Bestandteil der Wiesn und sein Maßkrug auf dem Dach zum Wahrzeichen geworden. Bis 2018 trug es den Namen „Winzerer Fähndl“ und wurde umbenannt, um ...
What are the opening hours at Oktoberfest and the beer tents? What time do the rides start to spin? What’s the best way to get to the Theresienwiese fairground? Are backpacks and strollers allowed?