Pelvic floor muscles help to control bladder and bowel function. This fact sheet explains where the pelvic floor muscles are located in women, what causes them to weaken and how regular pelvic floor ...
This fact sheet explains how women are at risk of bladder and bowel control problems during pregnancy and after childbirth. Find out if you are at risk and what you can do about strengthening weak ...
This fact sheet explains why women leak urine after childbirth. It describes where the pelvic floor muscles are and how to strengthen them through regular pelvic floor muscle exercises.
This brochure explains what poor bowel control is, what causes it and how it can be helped.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in rural and remote communities, this brochure explains how diabetes affects the bladder and bowel and can lead to wetting yourself. It explains ...
This brochure explains how poor bladder habits can lead to poor bladder control. Here are some easy steps that everyone can take to keep a healthy bladder.
This fact sheet explains why dementia may cause or make urinary incontinence and faecal incontinence worse. It offers management strategies for incontinence and where to go for help.
失禁是指不情願、不自主的大便或小便遺漏。排便節制問題影響著來自各個文化背景的人,它的影響非同一般。好消息就是排便節制問題可以治療,有很多病例被治癒。在本頁中你會發現有翻譯 ...
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Many parents find toilet training their child can be challenging. This is an easy guide to help you teach your child to use the toilet in four steps.
Delivered by a team of nurses across the Perth Metropolitan area ...
Port Macquarie Community Health Continence and Stomal Therapy Service Continence Service;Stomal Therapy Service ...