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Christingle is part of the All-Age service. There is also a toy element to the service when the congregation donate toys to be given to children in need at Christmas ...
Our annual Christingle Service in the majestic setting of Beverley Minster. Join us to celebrate Christ's light coming into the world at the beginning of this Advent season.
We will be having a Christingle for our local school, year 4s, about 60 children, parent's are invited. We will also be doing a Christmas Eve Christingle for our local community.
We're starting at 3pm, making Christingles and doing other Christingle crafts, and having wintery refreshments; then we're going through to the church for an informal, family friendly service.
This magical evening continues after the service with mince pies, mulled wine and Christmas treats for the children. Come and join us for this joyful celebration and spread a message of hope.
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A festive service, seated cafe style, we build our Christingles together through the service, learning about the symbolism of the pieces as we go. Drinks and cake for all!
Come and sing carols, build your own Christingle candle, help build the Christmas crib, give to the Childrens’s Society and share in festive refreshments. For all ages, no charge, everyone is welcome.
Christingle Service open to all Wivenhoe schools and youth groups with their families. With participation of school choirs and youth choir.
Come and make a Christingle (an orange decorated with sweets and a candle), hear the Christmas story and sing carols at the Cotswold Community Centre in Shirehampton. Refreshments at the end!
A family friendly gathering for all ages. During the service you can make your own Christingle orange. The service incudes the blessing of our community Christmas Trees and all who decorated them.