The fees below are for document reproduction only. In the event of commercial use of the documents reproduced, an additional fee will be charged. Digitised full manuscript text in colour or black and ...
The BnF offers a digitalisation and printing service on demand for the documents held in its collections: books, manuscripts, music scores, photographs, prints, maps, posters, coins and objets d’art.
A distinction must be made between reproduction work (technical costs), payable when the order is placed, and the commercial use fee, which is invoiced and paid independently, once your project has ...
[email protected] or via telephone: +33 (0)1 53 79 82 22 (key 1) 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. For full information on commercial use of documents [email protected] or via telephone: +33 (0)1 53 79 ...
For documents unavailable for on-line purchase, not mentioned in the general catalogue, or which you cannot identify precisely, you have to use the estimate request form*in priority. Lastly, for ...
L’ensemble des sites de la BnF fermeront à 15 h le mardi 31 décembre 2024. Sur le site François-Mitterrand, le café des Temps ...
La BnF a pour mission de collecter, cataloguer, conserver, enrichir et communiquer le patrimoine documentaire national. La BnF assure l’accès du plus grand nombre aux collections sur place, à distance ...
The BnF’s mission is to collect, catalogue, preserve, enrich and communicate the national documentary heritage. The BnF ensures that as many people as possible have access to its collections, both ...
Deux collections de livres numériques sélectionnés pour leur intérêt patrimonial, historique ou littéraire. Des milliers de titres ont été sélectionnés dans les départements Littérature et art, ...
Gallica is one of the major digital libraries available for free via the Internet. It provides access to any type of document: printed documents (books, press and magazines) in image and text mode, ...
Une partie des collections de la BnF n’est pas encore recensée dans les catalogues informatisés.