Most parents would nod their heads, wondering where the lie or the problem is in the sentence above — these are all good ...
Probiotics seem to be some of the hottest supplements to grace grocery store shelves in recent years. It seems like everyone has heard of the potential health benefits and has helped themselves to ...
Everyone knows about hangovers, where one indulges in too much alcohol and then pays for it the next day in headaches and nausea. Those of us with rheumatoid arthritis are familiar with a different ...
Research on disease-related fatigue has increased dramatically over the past few decades. While there are numerous surveys (over 250 identified by one group of researchers! 5) designed to measure ...
Results from the blood tests were inconclusive. My SED rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), a nonspecific measure of inflammation in the body, was somewhat elevated at 31. My rheumatoid factor was a ...
As many of our community members know, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects everyone differently. The feet are one of the most common places where RA causes pain. When RA affects the joints of the foot, ...
Fatigue is a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that affects various aspects of life. RA fatigue is more than “just tired.” Why does RA fatigue happen? Believe it or not, many factors play a role in ...
While an office job may seem better suited for a person with rheumatoid arthritis than manual labor, the repetitive tasks and long periods of sitting involved in most office jobs can take a toll as ...
For many people, holiday plans include some kind of travel. In addition to the ordinary stress and chaos of travel, many of us with rheumatoid arthritis also need to figure out how to travel with ...
Joint pain, swelling, redness, and stiffness have plagued me for a long time. While I am now grateful to be on a biologic medication which generally does a decent job at managing both my rheumatoid ...