The Pharmacogenetics Roll Out – Gauging Response to Service [PROGRESS] programme is an NHS England funded transformation project led by researchers at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
A ground-breaking genetic test that could prevent critically ill newborn babies going deaf if treated with gentamicin, a commonly used antibiotic, is being trialled across 14 NHS neonatal (specialist ...
Patients across GM and the UK, will have greater access to cutting-edge treatments and clinical trials following a government announcement of £100m of private investment to set up local research hubs.
We care for over one million patients each year, and manage over 800 clinical research studies at any one time. Through our Research and Innovation Division, supported by the National Institute for ...
North Manchester General Hospital is now part of the wider family of MFT hospitals creating a Single Hospital Service for Manchester. Manchester Royal Infirmary is a large teaching hospital and ...
Suzanne is a Consultant Paediatrician and researcher at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital with a special interest in epilepsy.
Research and Innovation is made up of multi-disciplinary staff ranging from research governance to research support services such as labs and imaging.