If we look at human existence, the history of housing has varied drastically over time and centuries; size, materials, height, design, types…etc. From the caves of our cave-dwelling ancestors or ...
The office design is complex, and we must recognize that most offices we enter to work every day are more than boring, if not “gray”, and that’s where we spend several hours sitting. In this case, we ...
Technological innovations in the renewable energy sector continue to grow. But this year, the field of wind energy is at the top thanks to some mini wind turbines. Imagine a windmill, but instead of ...
The subject of prefabricated architecture and in particular, prefabricated houses, are constantly being updated, designed and incorporating new capabilities in the face of technological innovations.
The search for the minimum in architecture has led more than one designer to provide us with a different way of looking at existing minimalist houses and homes around the world. It is no longer about ...
Sometimes we forget that we have hands, it’s as simple as that. And, our ancestors; with effort, a little art and craft, had the ability to know how to build a house. To know those construction ...
Do you want some examples of free architectural projects with house plans? And if we had the opportunity to see the house plans and technical proposals of great architects and architecture firms. Here ...
Among the different solutions to obtain hot water in our home, whether for the kitchen or the bathroom, is to install an electric water heater for DHW (Also frequently called electric boiler). In fact ...
The long-awaited and anticipated revolution in architecture is gaining momentum. Now we have drones, BIM, virtual reality, augmented reality, automatic project management, and more. But it doesn’t end ...
Popular wisdom must be recovered and bioclimatic houses treasure that architecture and centenary experience that we must rescue both for the benefit of reducing environmental impacts, energy saving ...
The Revit (Autodesk) program is excellent for creating 3D models of buildings and structures, but when you start getting into Python, Dynamo scripts, etc., to streamline the office work, it’s a whole ...
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