As the year draws to a close, 2024 can be considered as a period of growing struggle world-wide against the voracious dominance of capital, grappling with nothing less than the question: who will ...
Treasurer Jim Chalmers stirred the Coalition pot when he announced changes to the Future Fund (FF) with its current nest egg of more than $230 billion. Opposition leader Peter Dutton accused him of ...
Over the last weekend in November, comrades gathered at Kathleen Syme Library to increase their knowledge and practice of Marxism-Leninism. The school provided a constructive environment in which ...
On Cuba is a great introduction to modern Cuba and the problems it currently faces. Having taught Cuban history at university level, I recommend it highly for those new to Cuba, and for those who keep ...
During a recent Senate Estimates the Australian government released its official response to the report on the Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support ...
During a recent Senate Estimates the Australian government released its official response to the report on the Purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support ...
The National People Power coalition, the NPP, lead by the Marxist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) have had a good year. In September, their candidate for ...
On Friday 29 November a Victims Memorial Ceremony honouring the victims of Asbestos-related illness, was held in Pitman Park Salisbury South Australia. The event was well attended by family and ...
Territorians condemn the Finocchiaro government’s approval of gas company Empire Energy’s Carpentaria project, and renew calls for the Albanese government to use the powers available ...
Here in Adelaide at the Workers’ Library there is a special section devoted to peace while the venue itself, now known widely as Fidel’s, has ...
Heard about Optus? Our second-biggest phone company after Telstra is in the Federal Court charged with ‘unconscionable conduct’ selling phone plans and products that people ...
Over 50,000 students attempted the Victorian Certificate of Education year 12 exams this year. Supervising them is an important task for the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Are ...