In order to attain net-zero goals, it’s essential to increase sustainability in the ocean shipping sector. We hear about the ...
A steaming hot sauna, softly illuminated and filled with the fragrant aroma of birch leaves, is a centuries-old Finnish ...
According to a worldwide OECD survey, people in Finland have chart-topping skills in literacy, numeracy and problem solving.
The Majamaja concept, a Finnish sustainable holiday village, draws its inspiration from the Helsinki Archipelago, where it is ...
When you hear the words “Finland” and “nature,” you may think of the country’s large expanses of forest and numerous lakes. On a different scale, allotment gardens offer many Finnish city-dwellers a ...
Не верьте мифам о Санте с Северного полюса. Все знают, что Санта-Клаус со своими верными спутниками-оленями живет на севере ...
لا تصدق مزاعم القطب الشمالي. يعلم الجميع أن سانتا كلوز وغزلانه يعيشون في شمال فنلندا. بينما كانت صحفية فنلندية تعيش في أمريكا ...
Não acredite no hype do Polo Norte. Todo mundo sabe que Papai Noel e suas renas vivem no norte da Finlândia. Enquanto mora ...