Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, cosmic 'ghost towns,' offer new insights into the early universe and star formation.
These massive currents carry material on a journey through and around star-forming galaxies before they settle and form stars ...
Leo P, a tiny galaxy, stopped making stars after the universe’s reionization. Unlike most galaxies, it restarted billions of ...
But researchers have used the James Webb Space Telescope, a collaboration of NASA and its European and Canadian space ...
According to new research, the earliest seeds of structures may have been laid down by gravitational waves sloshing around in ...
Astronomers have unveiled surprising new details about a small galaxy, NGC 300, challenging existing theories on galaxy ...
A new study suggests that the cosmic web could have formed without relying on inflation driven by a scalar field. Instead, it ...
By combining data from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and the Gemini South telescope, astronomers have investigated three ...
Photoshop CC 2014 tutorial showing how to quickly create a vast star field and a celestial sphere amid faraway galaxies and ...
To see distant galaxies and fainter star clusters, time a trip around a new moon, when the night is at its darkest.
Gravitational lenses have been used previously to resolve individual stars in the distant Universe. Using the microlensing of ...
Galaxies like the Milky Way grow by merging with smaller galaxies over billions of years, unlike dwarf galaxies, which have long been thought to lack the heft to attract mass and grow in the same way.