Kuma: The Art of Eitan Rosenzweig (credit ... After eight months in the Yom Kippur War, my mom said he was never the same.” This personal connection underscores the broader impact of Griffin ...
While serving in the Egyptian army, he was wounded in the October War, also known as the Yom Kippur War. Both of his eyes are covered ... Katharine Plowman, a sophomore art major at the University who ...
Yom Kippur. Jews throughout the world were observing this sacred day of religious commitment; but in Israel, the day was shattered by the news that war between the Jews and Arabs once again had begun.
American Jews were not sure how to respond. Fifty years after the Yom Kippur War — which broke out on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar in 1973 and lasted for about three weeks — some of ...
"Sell on Rosh Hashanah, and buy on Yom Kippur" is one of the more obscure calendar-based trading rules that old-school Wall Streeters watch. As he does every Septemeber, UBS' veteran trader Art ...
The Klausen Synagogue had not held a Jewish worship service since the Nazis shuttered it and murdered most Czech Jews. For the first time since World War II, one of Prague’s most historic ...