Yom Kippur KS1 assembly framework. collectionYom Kippur KS1 assembly framework This assembly framework for primary schools tells the story of Jonah and the Whale and focuses on the theme of saying ...
What follows is the great Jewish anti-celebration: Yom Kippur. The most important day on the Jewish Calendar, Yom Kippur – or the day of atonement – offers the chance to ask for forgiveness.
“Golda” recreates the Israeli prime minister’s life during the 19 days of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, which would indelibly mark both her legacy and the Israeli consciousness ...
the event will offer lectures and discussions about the forgiveness and repentance themes of Yom Kippur. If hearing the shofar is the highlight of your holiday: My Jewish Learning is holding an ...
Yom Kippur means Day of Atonement. It is the most sacred and solemn day in the Jewish calendar. Atonement means to put things right. That day is about people putting things right with God through ...
Many who read this did not know him in his lifetime, and will now not get to know about him even after his death, but he is the example of a "quiet Yom Kippur". A quiet Torah that permeates the ...