Directed by Jon Favreau, the 2003 movie stars Will Ferrell as Buddy, a human who was accidentally raised by Santa's elves at the North Pole. As an adult, Buddy discovers that he is not actually an ...
Ferrell made sure that the cameraperson in the arena caught “Buddy” chugging a beer: In the movie, Ferrell plays a man born to human parents who ends up crawling into Santa’s bag by mistake ...
Will Ferrell caused a bit of a stir Dec. 29 when he attended the Philadelphia Flyers-Los Angeles Kings game in Los Angeles while dressed as Buddy the Elf from his hit 2003 movie “Elf.” ...
Buddy’s presence at the game did not go unnoticed by the broadcasting team, who zeroed in on Ferrell with the subtitle of “Buddy the Elf” below him. Ferrell’s latest Buddy appearance can ...
Ferrell shared that he wasn’t a fan of the storyline pitched for the second film and claimed to have ultimately turned down a $29 million offer to return. What Is the Best Holiday Movie Ever?
TaylorMade recently dropped some Christmas-themed posters featuring Nelly Korda and others, where the famous golfers ...
This holiday season, millions of Americans tuned into the classic Christmas movie Elf starring Will Ferrell. But for those who perhaps didn’t get around to it this year, Will Ferrell gave them ...