Describing the current practice landscape for the measurement of visual field impairment with visual perimeter devices, and recent changes or challenges in the provision of such care; and Answering ...
Researchers from Imperial College London, in collaboration with MakeSense Technology, have created this high-tech device ...
teaching strategies and resources for meeting the needs of students with visual impairment including methods and tools for inclusive field trips and laboratory research. The Texas School for the Blind ...
Known as cerebral (or cortical) visual impairment (CVI), some estimates suggest that at least 3% of primary school children exhibit CVI-related visual problems, which vary, but may include ...
The term CVI can be confusing. Traditionally, CVI stood for Cortical Visual impairment. This means that while the eyes may look healthy there is damage to the visual pathway which results in visual ...
My field of vision is regular but the sharpness ... doing it for the right reasons and that if our child did have a visual impairment – and it was unlikely they would – they’d be in a ...