Prithviraj Sukumaran is reuniting with Vipin Das, the director of ‘Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil’ for an upcoming film titled ‘Santhosh Trophy’. The makers confirmed the same on Wednesday (Oct ...
Now, as per a report by Cinema Express and several reports online, the Icon Star is likely to collaborate with Malayalam film director Vipin Das. According to the report, the alleged project is ...
Vipin Das is most popular for his 2022 film Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey. He also directed the Prithviraj Sukumaran starrer Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil which released earlier this year.
Director Vipin Das released a video of the sets of the construction on his social media page. Prithviraj Sukumaran also shared it with the caption, "This is the setup behind the set that makes you ...
Filmmaker Vipin Das, who last produced Vaazha under his ... Through this movie, we are introducing a new writer and director Vipin S, as well as cinematographer Rahim Aboobacker and many new ...
Directed by Vipin Das, the film has garnered significant attention and viewership, leading to strong box office numbers. READ ALSO: ‘Vaazha’ box office collections day 3: Comedy drama collects ...