With candy and fruit flavors, including kiwi melon, blue raspberry ice, banana freeze, creme brulee and sour grape and names ...
By Alberto De Los Rios The conversation around tobacco, particularly electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigs or vapes), is evolving. One of the most common misconceptions is that vapes are less ...
A man in America died when his vape pen exploded, but how dangerous are e-cigarettes? The case has made headlines around the world, and is believed to be the first death caused by vaping products ...
A US government report says there have been 195 documented cases of exploding e-cigarettes between 2009 and 2016. The National Fire Data Center found 29% of exploding vape pen incidents from ...
Dallas City Council unanimously voted to ban vaping in most public places yesterday, updating the 2003 smoking ban.