You’re going to build two simple transistor circuits, each using a single transistor. These circuits will allow you to observe the operation of a transistor as an amplifier, just as Walter ...
A simple AM transistor radio can be made with surprisingly few components, but for a circuit with a reasonable performance they suggest six transistors to be the optimal number. If we think about ...
After Albert Einstein proves to be less than useful when it comes to sorting electronic components, [Dino] decided to build a simple transistor tester to help him tell his PNPs and NPNs apart ...
The concept behind an integrated chip is relatively simple: an entire electrical circuit with numerous transistors, wires, and other electrical devices all built into a single square of silicon.
A single transistor. Discrete transistors are used in myriad applications from low to high power. Early transistors were always discrete, and then they were built into integrated circuits (chips).