They were cheaper and far more reliable than a point-contact transistor, and capable of forming AND and OR gates with only resistors for company. This so-called diode-resistor logic, or DRL ...
Most modern electronic devices consist of several key components: transistors, capacitors, resistors, inductors and diodes. Often ... field and then releasing it back into the circuit. Resistor The ...
The four-layer diode was the key to William Shockley's plan to revolutionize AT&T's phone system. It was a great device in theory, but not in practice -- at least not at the time when Shockley ...
If a diode is undesirable ... through a resistor will take more time than doing the opposite with a transistor, so the resistor-driven direction will spend more time in the linear region.
An elementary electronic device. Before the advent of integrated circuits (chips), all electronic components (transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes) were individually packaged. However ...
Here’s a blast from the past as we reprint our news from NYC’s 1961 IRE show—the first integrated logic circuits in TO-5 and ...