The auburn-colored kitten, a tomcat named "Peach" in Ukrainian, was experiencing the effects of malnutrition after they ran out of food four days earlier and melted snow helped to keep him alive.
The discovery was made when someone reported Boots to the RSPCA after a regular feeder moved away from the area.
The auburn-colored kitten, a tomcat named “Peach” in Ukrainian, was experiencing the effects of malnutrition after they ran out of food four days earlier and melted snow helped to keep him alive.
A kitten that got stuck in a car engine had a ... officers over an hour to strip part of the car and find where the tiny tomcat was hidden. She said: "Little Ota has had X-rays and most likely ...
The Cats Protection charity said the family in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, was also being watched over by a tomcat, which was "very unusual". The cats now have bird-inspired names and have gone to ...