The second installment introduces a new protagonist, the Chosen One, who is directly related to the Vault Dweller from Fallout 1. However, just because the two are related doesn't mean their ...
The arrival of Fallout on Prime Video has invited many new fans to the franchise. With the series having five mainline games ...
In an interview with our friends over at PC Gamer, Tim Cain explains why he doesn't think Fallout works as an MMO. The idea ...
Long before Fallout 76, we almost had Fallout Online, but Cain had serious doubts.
In the early game of Fallout Shelter, the Mutant Hunter Gear has a couple of uses. Firstly, it can be used to equip a vault dweller who is working in the water plant, which will make good use of ...
This is a pretty iconic vault to play in Fallout Shelter, as vault dwellers will regularly walk up to the vault door looking for a home, which fits entirely into Fallout canon. Vault dwellers had ...
Crafting unique weapons like Burnmaster and MIRV can provide players with strategic advantages in combat scenarios. ...