The Animated Series" and "The New Batman Adventures." It's a bolder, darker show than its predecessors, and its villains (including some legacy bad guys) very much reflect that. The following ...
Batman: The Animated Series is full of noteworthy supervillains, but they don't all pose an equal threat to The Dark Knight ...
James Gunn has debunked rumors speculating about which villains will be featured in the upcoming The Batman Part II. The DC Studios co-head, who frequently interacts with fans on social media to ...
It’s a new spin on the kind of Batman going undercover moments we got with Bruce’s “Matches Malone” persona in the main universe, and a fun foreshadow of how Bruce Wayne’s personal life ...
One of the Dark Knight’s most infamous villains, Edward Nygma enjoys ... Incredibly detailed 6” scale figure based on THE NEW BATMAN ADVENTURES™ Designed with articulation for posing and ...
The New Batman Adventures debuted from 1997 to 1999 and ... along with changes to allies like Robin and Batgirl and villains like The Joker. One of them was the updated look of Scarecrow, which ...
The New Batman Adventures lives on as McFarlane Toys is ... Be on the lookout for other villains in this wave with The Riddler and Scarecrow. He has been the Collectibles Editor since late 2019.
Batman's rogue gallery is one of the greatest, with Spider-Man as the only close contender. The villains are grounded, realistic, and more terrifying, with a frightening plausibility. From twisted ...