A prequel to The Lion King about the life of Mufasa arrived following 2019's live-action remake. Here's all the Mufasa: The Lion King info to know.
Mufasa: The Lion King's "Outsider" villains share a connection to previous bad guys of the Disney franchise, potentially ...
Actually, the lackluster “Mufasa: The Lion King” is both a sequel and a prequel ... That duo upended the House of Mouse’s 1980s and ’90s formula by composing pop hits rather than show ...
Surrounding the crowds from on high were immense video billboards, almost all showing scenes from the movie “Mufasa,” Disney’s new “live action” “Lion King” prequel. The effect was a ...
Every being has a place in the circle of life,” and “No more kings, we are all one.” Those lines of dialogue sum up the two ...