Dark comedy TV shows have the unique ability to bounce between meaningful and deep storylines and comedy. These enthralling TV shows embrace the absurd hilarity of humanity while pushing ...
Mike Flanagan's TV adaptation of The Dark Tower series needs a substantial budget to faithfully depict the expansive fantasy ...
David Lynch's films and TV series reflected the dark, ominous, often bizarre underbelly of American culture- one increasingly ...
The second is the cast; in addition to Fillion, the main cast includes plenty of talented actors, including Melissa O'Neil as ...
“I always believed that I was the only victim,” she says in the trailer. The former rapper and music exec is now facing dozens of lawsuits from accusers and has been charged with racketeering, sex ...
From American Horror Story to Stranger Things to Euphoria to Game of Thrones, some TV shows are tough to watch because of its ...
Mike Flanagan could add his unique touch to The Dark Tower series, potentially exploring crossovers. The combination of Stephen King stories in The Dark Tower makes for an interesting narrative.