If the instructor choses a different teaching method, such as a traditional lecture, students would need to process the lecture’s content and apply principles simultaneously. This is very difficult to ...
This strategy for teaching creative writing to first- and second-grade students uses an engaging and differentiated approach.
As part of that process, you want them to assess their use of textual ... University of Colorado Boulder. Center for Teaching and Learning (n.d.). Student Peer Assessment. University of Colorado ...
After teaching worldwide, I've seen many schools prioritize academics over everything. But kids first need to learn how to be ...
Teaching and learning trends include fostering essential skills like critical thinking and adaptability to prepare students ...
Help equip students to recognize and practice the connections between their academic and extracurricular lives with their career development, starting with skills-based language and related resources.
Modeling and promoting engagement with scholarly and reflective teaching practices to support the academic development of all instructors and their students CTE staff are available for consultations ...