The 1980s were a groundbreaking era for sitcoms, with numerous shows making their mark on television. However, not all of these series have stood the test of time. Many 1980s sitcoms, despite ...
Now, setting a film or TV series in the ‘50s counts as historical. On the other hand, it has become increasingly common to set films and shows in the 1980s. These are the most memorable movies ...
So the next time you’re binging your favorite show, take a moment to thank the trailblazing creators of the 1980s who made it all possible. The decade didn’t just change TV — it gave us the ...
Whether you’re into drama, comedy or a late-1980s throwback ... Ahead, these are the best TV shows to stream on Hulu right now. Gilmore Girls is now on Hulu, and we'll follow our favorite ...