Noted actor Subodh Bhave made his directorial debut with Katyar Kiljat Ghusali in 2015 – and struck gold. The Marathi musical, based on Purushottam Darvhekar’s play of the same name ...
With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi language. The trailer of ...
Actor-director Subodh Bhave is all set to make his return to direction, with his upcoming musical film 'Sangeet Manapamaan' ...
Releasing Marathi films in drama theatres is one such solution to limited screens, Bhave, whose film “Sangeet Manapmaan” released on Friday, said. “For how many years we will keep saying ...
Actor-director Subodh Bhave is all set to make his highly anticipated return to direction with 'Sangeet Manapmaan', a musical film based on the life and works of legendary Marathi playwright ...
Katyar Kaljat Ghusli is a 2015 Marathi film based on a play by the same name. Directed by Subodh Bhave, the film stars Sachin Pilgaonkar, Shankar Mahadevan, and Subodh Bhave in lead roles.
With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi language.