So if you’re an oceanside angler operating between Long Island in New York and northern Maryland, here are a few tips on how ...
Delta sturgeon biting, Steve Mitchell reported. Don Pedro bass and trout hitting, Monte Smith said. McClure bass small but ...
Fishing for striped bass off the beach in Dering Harbor (Credit: Eleanor P. Labrozzi) Despite concerns about hitting the ...
or perhaps chicken liver on a sliding sinker and circle hook rig is one of the best ways to fish for them. In the lower Bay, anglers can still fish striped bass in the main stem of the Potomac ...
Bass also fell for umbrella rigs over rocky structure and ... Harbor in Oakley reported continued outstanding striped bass action with fresh fish moving into the system. He said, “The action ...
Despite concerns about upcoming class sizes for striped bass, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted to keep current regulations.