The actor returns to the "Star Trek," reprising her character Philippa Georgiou, who leads the franchise's first television ...
"Star Trek: Discovery," which premièred in 2017 on CBS All Access ... Roy Thomson Hall, a downtown concert venue known for its curved glass roof, appears as the United Nations headquarters in one and ...
Thanks to modern effects, animated aliens can now appear in live action Star Trek. On July 11, It Begins. Superman - Only in Theaters 2025.
J.J. Abrams' critics claim it's not "real" Star Trek. This is why they're wrong. Here's everything right with Star Trek 2009.
Star Trek: Discovery, which premiered in 2017 on ... Roy Thomson Hall, a downtown concert venue known for its curved glass roof, appears as the United Nations headquarters in one and the Manhattan ...
“Star Trek: Discovery,” which premièred in 2017 ... Roy Thomson Hall, a downtown concert venue known for its curved glass roof, appears as the United Nations headquarters in one and the ...