The animated TV show follows the various exploits of a sea sponge, the eponymous SpongeBob SquarePants, who works as a cook ...
Viacom has rights to The Krusty Krab, the fictional restaurant where cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants serves burgers, so an aspiring restaurateur can't trademark the name, a federal judge ruled ...
The Krusty Krab is given a blocky makeover thanks to a Minecraft player, resulting in an accurate representation of the ...
The vampire from the original 1922 version of "Nosferatu" was featured in Season 2 of the kids show and went on to become a ...
Spongebob’s arrival comes alongside modes in four popular genres; Red vs. Blue, Prop Hunt, Slap Fight, and Only Up. These ...
The director of the latest remake of "Nosferatu," Robert Eggers, acknowledged that many viewers' may first have seen the ...
SpongeBob is turning 25 (yes, seriously). And if that makes you feel old, at least there's an upside. To celebrate, Wendy's ...