Sony India introduced the A95K OLED TV under its Bravia XR Master series. The smart TV features a dedicated game mode, HDMI 2.1 compatibility, Auto HDR Tone and more. The new model XR-65A95K is ...
Best 4K TV for movies The Sony Bravia XR A95K (buy now) offers a stunning, bright QD-OLED screen, but also throws in some additional advantages — namely, support for Dolby Vision HDR, and Dolby DTS:X ...
You’ll also get a 120Hz refresh rate enhanced by Motionflow XR tech to get even the fastest moving items on your screen a crisp look. The Sony X93L is another from Sony’s Bravia lineup.
Sony Bravia XR Master A95K OLED TV launched in India; Check price, specifications Sony Bravia XR Master A95K OLED TV has been priced at Rs 3,69,990 The Sony Bravia XR OLED A80K is priced at Rs 2 ...