For 2025, the challenge is “Read 25 in ’25”: read for at least 25 minutes every day in 2025. (And yes, listening to an ...
There are so many great books to look forward to in 2025. But first, you'll want to catch up on these perspective-shifting ...
Sure, we all hope to read more books, but the task is always easier said than done. Here are some tips for tackling your TBR ...
We probably don’t have to tell you how much we love to read. For so many of us, it’s part of why we were drawn to journalism in the first place. So when we asked CharlotteFive and Charlotte ...
Your TBR list is getting longer... The simple joy of reading a book can inspire so much. While we’re turning their pages, we use our imaginations to live inside entire worlds with its characters.
Here's our What We're Reading mini-book club conversation between Grand ... Tracy: For me, it was absolutely wonderful--mostly because she took so many disparate pieces and made them into an ...
In honor of Women's History Month, here are ten must-read books ... movement, many men feared mentoring women. But the data does not lie. Men hold more senior executive positions, so if they ...
Waiting for a bus? Book. On the train platform? Book. You get the picture... And because I've read so much, I have many recommendations to give you. Whether your New Year's Resolution is to read ...
For all of us writers and editors, daily immersed in words — the words you read in the print magazine ... of its former charms. But some books have many lives within our one life.