committing themselves to vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. This man was St Francis. St Francis lived in the stunning hilltop town of Assisi (below). The skyline is now dominated by the ...
Contrary to Francis’s assertions, poverty is falling precipitously throughout the world. According to the Brookings Institution, absolute poverty (i.e., people living on less than $1.25 a day ...
He also condemned the huge divide between the world's rich and poor, saying Jesus's birth in poverty in a stable ... message from the balcony of St Peter's. Francis, the first Pope from Latin ...
When you meet a guy, for example, like Francis of Assisi. Genius or crackpot? Both. Sensuous embracer of life or ...
Clare of Assisi (1193-1253) may be unique among the ... life of the ‘Poor Clares,’ the religious community founded by St. Clare that practiced strict poverty in the tradition of Francis himself. Most ...
This garden is a memorial to St. Clare of Assisi (c. 1193-1253), religious mystic and follower of apostolic poverty, spiritual friend of St. Francis, and the first woman in Western Europe to compose a ...