Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, directed by Larry Roemer, is a stop-motion holiday classic — something kids and adults alike revisit as twinkle lights once again make an appearance. Although ...
Santa would be hard pressed to get the plethora of the Christmas presents to all the little boys and girls each year without a little help. Besides the famous elves slaving away at the North Pole ...
Santa Claus, his elves, and reindeer appear in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964). Though NBC was Rudolph's original TV home, the Peacock has not hosted the beloved reindeer in quite some time.
After leaving home and meeting up with a ragtag team of Hermey the elf, Yukon Cornelius the prospector, a gaggle of misfit toys, and the Abominable Snow Monster, Rudolph returns home to save Christmas ...
Hermey is the Christmas elf who wants to buck elf toy-maker genetics and become ... universal appeal? Resolution. Rudolph saves Santa. He saves Christmas. He changes people's minds about scary snowmen ...
“The elves are 16 hours a day working at it ... “A lot of these people are the same people helping Santa and Rudolph deliver treats to the kids year after year,” Hammond said.