For beautiful summer roses in USDA Hardiness Zones 6 and lower, plants need protection during winter temperatures. Learn how ...
Star Roses and Plants unveiled the Martha Stewart Rose for introduction in 2026. Martha Stewart, named for the home and ...
For those rosarians who like to be the first in the neighborhood to grow the newest roses, here is a peek at the brand-new ...
One of my all-time favorites comes courtesy of this pink hybrid tea rose variety. With lengthy shrubs of 4 to 5 inches, these ...
You don't need to be a master gardener to ensure the roses in your garden make it through cold winter weather unscathed.
There are many types of roses, including Hybrid Tea, Floribundas, Climbers, Shrubs, Old Garden Roses and Miniature Roses. They can be bought bare root, potted, bagged or boxed and range from Grade ...
Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, and Floribunda Roses Cut ... or when they are growing the wrong way. Shrub roses may not need pruning at all, but it depends on what type you have. Many modern shrub ...